I remember this book and I loved it and to this day kindergartens feel the same way. I would read this in my kindergarten class! For a lesson with this book, I would try to think of some sort of activity. For example, get the students into groups and have them try to place cards in order of how the caterpillar ate. This would be teaching them sequence.
This is a cute book, that many kindergarten's will enjoy. It's part of a book series, so if a student likes this book you can get them to read the others! For this lesson, the students can write about them self and say how they go to school. Another option could be for them to pick they favorite part and draw a picture of that scene.
This is a cute little story that I'm positive that your kindergartens will love! With this book I would go with a writing lesson. I would tell the students to think of what kind of treasure they would have if they were pirates. I would tell them to tell what is in their treasure box then draw a picture. While they were working I could ask some comprehension questions like, "Where did they bury the treasure?" and "What did the pirates not do in this book?"
I really like this book and I am sure that your fifth grade students will love it too! There are a lot of lessons that you could pull from this book. One could be a family tree. The main character in this book is cursed because of something that happened to his great great grandfather, so this could tie in coming up with their family history. Another lesson could be to write a letter. They could write to anyone in Stanley's (main character) camp. This could also be a positive lesson in which you can say digging holes are hard. Let's try and dig one and plant a tree/plant. The last lesson that I can think of is to create a map of Stanley's camp. There's the holes, dorms, dried up lake, showers, and so on.
I loved this book growing up and still love it now! I would want to read this as a class in third grade or the beginning of fourth grade. There is a movie based off this book. For my lesson we would read the book and then watch the movie. Once the class finishes both, the students will have to write a paper comparing and contrast the book to the movie.
Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief is an amazing book series. For this post; however, I will only be talking about the first book, although you could use these lesson for all of them! These books are truly amazing and takes the reader on a ride. I would read this as a class at the end of fourth grade year. There are many lessons that could go with these book including a journal where students write a reflection on each chapter or questions they have to answer. As well as a comparison paper, where they can compare the book to the movie. Also this book is a series, so if the class likes the book this could help them read more because they will want to find out what happens next to Percy and the gang.
As a child I got ten dollars a week for helping my mom around the house (when I actually did help) and The magic Tree House books are what my money went towards. I loved these books growing up and went and re-read the first one Dinosaurs before Dawn for this project. I would recommend having this in a classroom from second until third grade. For a project I think that having a creative writing project after reading this would be great. The student could join Jack and Annie and come up with their own adventure. Another activity could be a reading map or journal.
This is a good book that kids enjoy and have fun with if the teacher really gets into reading it. I would recommend having this in your classroom library for any teacher from kindergarten through second grade. As a class I would want to do an activity for either kindergarten or first grade. I would give each child a role then when reading the book they would have to stand up for whatever role they received. (example: stand up and make a snake's hiss when the teacher reads that part). Then I would group them together having one of each animal in the group and have the students place them in the correct order based off the book.
I would recommend having this book in your classroom library from third to sixth grade and doing a class activity in fourth grade. For this activity in the grade level that it is in I would want my students to write a paper. However, instead of the project just being a boring writing project the teacher could have a compare and contrast to the movie. That way the read the book and watch the movie so it is a little bit of fun.
I love this book and would honestly recommend for kindergarten through sixth grade and maybe even higher than that. This is one of those books that no matter which grade I teach I will want it in my classroom library. It is an insanely good, positive book! This book has so many lessons that could come out of it, but my favorite would be a lesson that designed around the classroom and helping the teacher. I saw an activity sheet that had four open ended questions that the students have to fill in. The first said "Places you would like to visit", second says, "People you would like to meet", third says, "Important people in your life", and the last one says, "Things you would like to learn". This would be a great beginning of the year activity to learn more about your students and you can even incorporate some of the stuff from their response into your classroom.
I would recommend this book for kindergarten. It's a cute little book about a pig named Olivia. This book goes through Olivia's day and can easily be used for a some sort of class lesson plan. One activity could be having the students come up with a graph as a class (since this is kindergarten).One side could be activities that Olivia actually did and the other side could be activities pretended that she did in her head. This book could also provided many art activities that a teacher could come up with to complete with the chart group work.
I like this book and remember reading it when I was in school. I would have this book in my classroom library from kindergarten through third grade. I would use this for a class activity for kindergarten and first grade. Some of the ways you can use this in the classroom is to make a list of not what to do based of what David was doing. A teacher could also use this for kindergarten and talk to the students about what they believed David was feeling during the book.
If You Give a Mouse A Cookie is a great book that most kids seem to enjoy. This book is on a first grade reading level so I would recommend having it on your bookshelves for kindergarten through second for those advance and slower readers. For a class lesson I believe it will work for kindergarten through second as well. You could do a couple of math lessons with this book. For example, if I gave a mouse two cookies and Jess gives him one cookie how many would he have. Language arts wise the only lesson that I can come up with is a sequence of events. Give each students the events that took place (hair cut, sweeping, and other in the book) and allow them to work in groups to see if they can place them in the correct order.