Gabrielle's Books

Children's books

A Pocket for Corduroy

— feeling smile
A Pocket for Corduroy - Don Freeman

I would recommend A Pocket for Corduroy for kindergarten through second grade. For kindergarten the teacher will have to read it while for first and second grades can have it on their bookshelf. One lesson that you could do for kindergarten and first would be read the book and then give them a coloring sheet so they can color Corduroy. While they are coloring the teacher can ask questions. Another option could be for them to draw and color their favorite scene. For first and second you can also do an order of events chart together as a class or in groups. You could hand out strips of paper and they can put them in the order like the book or they can come up with their own events. This is also a great book book, because there is more than one book on Corduroy. Which means it can gain some enthusiastic readers.   

Bridge to Terabithia

— feeling cry
Bridge to Terabithia - Katherine Paterson

Bridge to Terabithia is an amazing book, which I highly enjoyed. I would recommend reading this book as class, it's that good! I think this book should be in the classroom library starting in fourth grade and up through sixth. I would want to have have a class set of this book and have the class read it together. If I had a class set, I would probably want the class to keep an individual journal. At the end of each chapter they could write a summary or their favorite part of that chapter. Bridge to Terabithia, could also be used for some sort of reading comprehension activity.   


— feeling evolution
Hatchet - Gary Paulsen

This is an amazing book and I would recommend to every fifth grader. This book is especially great for boys. It's the type of novel that will create a passion for reading for most boys; which it actuality did for my little bother. This book would probably be better for later on in the school year for most fifth graders unless they are advance readers. Hatchet is a book that you can create many lesson with. For example; themes, venn diagram of old and new Brian, creative writing (students can come up with a survival pack if they were along on an island), and the students can create an organizer in which ways Brian stayed alive.       

The Juice Box Bully

— feeling big smile
The Juice Box Bully: Empowering Kids to Stand Up For Others - Bob Sornson, Maria Dismondy, Kim Shaw

This is an excellent book that I love! I would want to read this from kindergarten to firth grade. Keeping it in my book library if I had first or second grade. This book would be prefect for the beginning of the school year to show kids how they should and should not behave. Also after reading this book you could come up with a similar deal for your classroom. Then if one of your students is being mean to another you can remind them of their promise.    

Junie B., First Grader Boo... And I Mean It

— feeling amazing
Junie B., First Grader: Boo...and I Mean It! - Barbara Park, Denise Brunkus

This book is a great book to read to your students and for the Fall term! I believe that this book is great for grades kindergarten through fifth. The teacher would have to read it to them in the lower grades, but once you reached third grade a class set would be ideal! A teacher could come up with so many lessons with this book including: cause and effect, main idea, characters, and the five W's. With the lower grades of course it would have to be group work or the whole class could work on it together. These topics are covered in all Language Arts classes. The teacher would just have to change the hardness of the assignment or make it group work depending on where the students are in their studies.    Also if your students like Junie B. then you can create a passion for reading in them and they would want to read all her books.